ECCMIS Awareness Session Held at the Supreme Court
Ms. Rweju (standing) addressing staff at Supreme Court
The continued staff sensitization on the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) this morning took place at the Supreme Court where at least 25 staff participated.
Ms Julian Rweju, the Judiciary Technical Advisor on ECCMIS emphasized that these were just awareness sessions, and at a later date, hands on training sessions will be held in the respective courts. She said there are planned ECCMIS training sessions for different users of the system which would include computer literacy programmes to ensure efficacy of the System.
Ms Rweju said with ECCMIS, all casefiles from Magistrate Grade One courts to the Supreme Court will be saved on the System. She enumerated the benefits of the system, which include among others, its functionality and efficiency to improve administration of Justice.
The Technical Advisor outlined a number of countries whose justice system has improved as a result of implementing online systems such ECCMIS, adding that there is limited human interaction. "Advocates will pay for services online while court records will be available online."
She urged the staff to embrace ECCMIS as the Judiciary moves away from the manual way of doing business. For litigants who are computer illiterate, Ms Rweju said there will be staff at the courts to help them file their cases.
Posted 29th, September 2020